Does anyone have any idea how thick our floors are?

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Does anyone have any idea how thick our floors are?

Post by Dano »

Thinking about flush mounting a table base into the floor but it needs about 2" of depth in order to sit flat. I know my 2002 has two layers of what thought was 3/4" plywood making it about an inch and a half but wanted to know if anyone had actual facts before plowing a hole and finding out I don't have have enough!
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Re: Does anyone have any idea how thick our floors are?

Post by Blue~Go »

I believe that in around 2002 (2001?) Chinook went to a composite floor. Mine is two layers of plywood - either 3/4" or 1" (too lazy to check at the moment).

[Edited to add: On mine there may be an area where you can look from underneath and see the flooring: Going from memory, I think where the gas filler passes through?]

What I would expect from a composite floor is a bottom skin of fiberglass, some sort of core filling (foam/hollow plastic/or balsa most likely) and then a top skin of balsa. That sort of thing doesn't stand up well to fasteners bolted through (compression loads), so typically (this is typical boat deck construction) there is something solid wherever a fastener goes through. Could be a plywood insert in place of the core in a localized area, or solid fiberglass or thickened epoxy or equivalent.

I would typically expect a cored construction to be even 1-1/2" thick in something this small, but I don't know what they did specifically. That said, is there any reason a recessed table base could not project down beneath the floor by a small amount (presuming it's not on top of something that would be in the way)? If it's like I'm visualizing, the socket is solid (sometimes they have a drain hole, but that could be plugged).

I would have expected a 2002 to be composite floor, but you write that you know it's two layers of plywood. So that's interesting. With plywood you would not have to worry about reinforcing (although sealing is a good idea) Same idea though on is there a problem if it goes through the floor a bit extra? What's beneath where you want it?
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Re: Does anyone have any idea how thick our floors are?

Post by kdarling »

On my '94 with two table post flush mounts, the holes go all the way through.

1994 Concourse dinette, Ford 7.5L (460 V8)
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