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Google ads(?) and recap of this forum.

Posted: May 30th, 2015, 8:35 am
by Manitou
So, we're closing in on becoming 1 year old. Things took off pretty well, but slowed down in the winter months. I think that's partly just the nature of RV's and the fact that I was without mine for 3-4 months while it was converted to 4x4. Posts and new accounts appear to have picked back up. We're still at the top of the Google if you just search for our key words (not a big deal, but I still find it interesting since I've done no SEO (and I mean none)).

I plan to renew the hosting costs again when it comes time in a few weeks (month or 2?) for another year or more.
I'm going to look into posting 1-3 ads on the site just in the hopes of offsetting the hosting cost. Feel free to complain they are terrible or confirm they are no big deal... I'll try to do it tactfully, but my html judo isn't that strong.

Re: Google ads(?) and recap of this forum.

Posted: May 30th, 2015, 12:43 pm
by Concourse
Give it a whirl. It's a good forum. People will continue to gather in time.

Re: Google ads(?) and recap of this forum.

Posted: April 23rd, 2016, 3:56 pm
by Manitou
Well look at that, we're coming up on being 2 years old. Where does the time go? The ad has generated a whopping $4/month. That about half of what the yearly fee is. With that reasoning, I'll probably put a second one in place in hopes of breaking even.

Re: Google ads(?) and recap of this forum.

Posted: April 23rd, 2016, 4:17 pm
by jeanie19
I'm so adept at ignoring ads that I didn't really even notice them. Does clicking on them bring you any extra $$ ?? If so I'll be sure to do it occasionally. Thanks for a great forum. Even tho I don't chime in on every conversation or reply if I don't have anything to add, I appreciate everyone's experiences and advice.

Re: Google ads(?) and recap of this forum.

Posted: April 23rd, 2016, 6:21 pm
by Manitou
We get a few (3 or 4?)cents for just showing the ad X number of times a day. Someone clicking on the ad equates to roughly 50-75 cents. That said, please only click on ads that genuinely have some interest to you. Clicking just for the sake of generating income is against google ad rules. I myself can not click on any ads at all.

Re: Google ads(?) and recap of this forum.

Posted: May 3rd, 2017, 9:37 pm
by Manitou
Just adding to this thread rather than starting a new one. You may notice another ad has been places at the bottom of the pages. The forum is pretty close to covering it's expenses (hosting fee, domain name renew, etc..). With the additional ad and continued increase in traffic I think it'll be pretty self sufficient now. Thanks to everyone providing valuable content and making this forum great again! (haha.. trump joke.. no need to get all political though)

Hope everyone is well.

Re: Google ads(?) and recap of this forum.

Posted: May 4th, 2017, 1:59 am
by kdarling
Thanks for your work and the forum!


Re: Google ads(?) and recap of this forum.

Posted: May 4th, 2017, 4:26 am
by SMan
kdarling wrote:Thanks for your work and the forum!

What Kev said!

Re: Google ads(?) and recap of this forum.

Posted: May 5th, 2017, 4:27 am
by Cozimoto
Thanks for hosting this. We all tend to think the internet is free, hopefully we can at least keep your out of pocket costs down to zero, would be nice if it were enough to cover your time too. I know having this forum to ask questions has resulted in answers that have saved me some money.